As God created him: Naked Trump attracts all eyes!
Las Vegas (USA) - Even the real Donald Trump (78) must have been speechless at the sight of this. At the weekend, the naked likeness of the US presidential candidate hung larger than life on a construction crane.

The "work of art" could be admired on Saturday and Sunday north of Las Vegas in the US state of Nevada.
According to the New York Post, the naked Trump was around 15 meters tall and weighed around 3,000 kilograms. However, they had to search for him a little. Away from the main artery between Las Vegas and Salt Lake City, Trump's likeness towered into the sky.
Nevertheless, the Republican made of steel and foam was probably the most popular and popular photo motif far and wide. Because Trump had been recreated in great detail. "Anatomically correct", as the Post described it.
According to TMZ, however, the artwork was not intended to flatter the 78-year-old, but quite the opposite. The Trump likeness is said to have been titled "Crooked and Obscene".
Republicans see image of Donald Trump as an insult

It is not known who hung up the former US president without a suit and tie. However, the installation appeared to be part of a nationwide campaign.
Similar images of the naked 78-year-old also appeared in New York, Los Angeles, Seattle and San Francisco at the same time - albeit on a smaller scale.
What the real Trump thinks about his "twins" has not been made public. Instead, his Republican party friends from Nevada commented on Platform X.
The party described Nackedei-Trump as an "insulting puppet" that was deliberately designed to shock. Instead of such skirmishes, they themselves would rather deliver political results.