Beer or plonk? This cool blonde tastes like mustard!

Dallas (USA) - Beer lovers need to be very strong now! Because a company from the USA has added more than just hops, water and barley to its cool blonde!

This is what it looks like, the tin with the special contents.
This is what it looks like, the tin with the special contents.  © Screenshot/X/@FletchersDogs

Fletcher's Corny Dogs has been successfully selling sausages in a robe, known as corn dogs, since 1942. The special thing about it: until 1994, the company bosses vehemently refused to sell their dough sausages with ketchup as a condiment.

Instead, Fletcher's relied on mustard, then as now. The love of condiments even led to the company launching its own type of beer last year!

This year, the "Corny Dogs Mustard Beer" will be sold prominently for the first time. As the New York Post reports, Fletcher's wants to offer its unconventional creation where the first corn dog was sold more than 80 years ago: at the "State Fair of Texas", a fair in Dallas.

With an alcohol content of 5.5%, the mustard beer is comparable to a normal beer in this country. But can it also keep up in terms of taste?

Corn dogs have been sold at Fletcher's since 1942. To wash it down, beer with the appropriate flavor is now also added.
Corn dogs have been sold at Fletcher's since 1942. To wash it down, beer with the appropriate flavor is now also added.  © Screenshot/Instagram/deepfriedintheheartoftx

Mustard beer is currently only available in the USA

According to Post, it is important to the Fletcher family to surprise their customers' palates from time to time. The mustard beer therefore does not have to and should not taste like ordinary pilsner.

But if you want to try the mustardy blonde, you will have to get on a plane for better or worse. Fletcher's is only selling its beer on site and until October 20 at its stand at the giant Texan trade fair.

Incidentally, the company claims tohave sold around half a million of its sausages in a robethere last year: in just 24 days - and now also with ketchup!