Acid attack outside school causes horror: Man attacks 14-year-old girl
London - It's unbelievable. A masked 35-year-old poured acid over two teenagers outside a school in London. A 14-year-old girl probably suffered permanent damage.

They've got him!
Last Monday's crime caused horror in London. Now it has been revealed: A 35-year-old man is considered an urgent suspect for throwing acid over little Teagan (14) outside her school, reports the BBC. The girl has been in hospital ever since and will probably suffer permanent damage from the perfidious attack.
A 16-year-old boy was luckier: he only received a few splashes of acid and has since been able to leave hospital. A 27-year-old teacher who rushed to help also had to be treated.
It is still completely unclear why the perpetrator wanted to disfigure the innocent girl.
What is certain is that the man, dressed in black and wearing a mask, turned up at Westminster Academy in the west of the British capital at around 4.40pm on Monday after school and approached the teenagers. He then sprayed Teagan with the corrosive substance and fled the scene on an e-scooter. Police described the suspect as a tall, slim man with black skin.
The Metropolitan Police of London investigated for days. On Thursday, the handcuffs clicked and the suspected acid thrower was remanded in custody.

Teagan (14) completely disfigured after perfidious acid attack
Meanwhile, Corey McFarlane, the father of the young acid victim, turned to the public.
Although the acid burns were not life-threatening, his daughter is traumatized, he reports. She also suffered severe chemical burns and no longer dares to return to school.
Corey knows that his daughter now needs all the support she can get. Her recovery - both physically and mentally - will take a long time. The father is humbly asking for donations on the GoFundMe platform to speed up her recovery. He wants to be fully there for his child during this difficult time.
"Words cannot express the shock, pain and trauma she is going through, both physically and emotionally," says Corey. He wants the perpetrator to be held accountable for what he did to his beloved daughter and brought to justice.
No information is yet available on the motive for the atrocity. But Teagan's sad fate has already touched many Britons. Almost 15,000 euros in donations have been collected so far.