Hard to believe, but true: Driverless motorcycle causes panic in traffic
Sunway City (Selangor/Malaysia) - It's a shock-guaranteed scene! On a highway in Sunway City, Malaysia, a driver and his female companion couldn't believe their eyes when a completely unmanned motorcycle actually skidded across the road right in front of them. The incident, which was not without danger, also had a serious background.

The curious incident took place on October 9, at 9.42 a.m. local time, near the local Mentari Court.
According to the daily newspaper"The Sun", the completely surprised road users were caught out of nowhere by the driverless motorcycle.
The 39-second clip was captured by the dashboard camera of the rider himself, a man named Syazwan Zanini, and published on his X account, where it promptly made the rounds on social media.
The whole drama began on an access road. It was there that two bikers crashed, although the driver of the later "ghost machine" can hardly be blamed, as the footage clearly shows.
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The road user behind the accident driver suddenly rear-ended him at high speed, setting the almost fatal chain reaction in motion.
The out-of-control motorcycle of the rider, who ended up in the ditch, then headed straight for the busy highway - and almost naturally caused a huge scare among the oncoming motorists.
It was thanks to a number of fortunate circumstances that the incident did not end in disaster.
Firstly, the driver behind the wheel, who was honking his horn loudly, reacted in an exemplary manner and skillfully braked his car without risking other road users.
On the other hand, the riderless machine showed a very "favorable" left-hand twist in this case, which ensured that the further route led directly away from the road and crashed into a fence somewhere in the countryside. It was not possible to find out whether the motorcyclist involved in the accident survived the incident relatively unscathed.