Father tracks down stalker of his daughter (14) and makes short work of him!
Arkansas (USA) - Will Aaron Spencer go to prison or will the US American remain at large? The charge amounts tomurder, but the prosecutors are in a quandary.

Last week Tuesday, the 36-year-old blew a fuse. Spencer did something he felt obligated to do as a loving father: he killed his 14-year-old daughter's stalker.
According to the Lonoke County Police Department, officers received an emergency call around 1 a.m. that day. A teenager was missing. A patrol had set out to track down the 14-year-old. But her father was quicker.
Spencer discovered his daughter in a car. Sitting next to her was Michael Fosler (67), allegedly an ex-police officer and, according to USA Today , with a criminal record for stalking and sexual assault of children. Fosler, recently released from prison, and the girl are said to have met and dated on the internet.
According to Spencer's wife Heather, Fosler is said to have assaulted her daughter once before. A no-contact order had been imposed. "We had no idea that this man was in contact with our child again," she wrote on Facebook.
Spencer had wanted to protect his girl from further assaults, got into an argument with the known sex offender on site and ultimately shot Fosler.
Father is at large after murdering his daughter's stalker

When the police arrived, the officers were no longer dealing with a missing person case, but with a murder. Spencer was taken into custody on the spot. However, on Wednesday, one day after the crime, the 36-year-old was already free again!
His family posted bail and brought his father back home. Now the Americans are asking for help to hire a lawyer for the upcoming trial.
In the worst case scenario, Spencer could face 40 years in prison. However, the investigators are divided. "I have not advocated for a particular charge and will not do so," said Lonoke County Sheriff John Staley, himself the father of three daughters.
If Spencer's family were allowed to have a say, the outcome of the case would be clear! "My husband is a hero. We want to do everything we can to make sure he can continue to be here to protect us," wrote his wife Heather.