Woman freaks out on the plane: "I'm the president of the damn country!"

San Diego (USA) - A passenger discovered on the tarmac at San Diego International Airport (California) that she had forgotten her cell phone in the airport. What followed was like a theater play!

Forgot her cell phone - and her good manners too: This woman went berserk on a flight from San Diego to Las Vegas.
Forgot her cell phone - and her good manners too: This woman went berserk on a flight from San Diego to Las Vegas.  © Screenshot/TikTok/jenskilicious

Apparently, the staff of the US low-cost airline Frontier Airlines did not know who the lady was.

The crew deliberately ignored her request for the pilot to turn back.

As can be seen and heard on a video, the woman then played the racism card and accused the crew that the plane would be stopped immediately if she was white and wearing a suit.

Laughter broke out on the plane. Reason enough for the passenger to loudly out herself as the "sovereign ruler" and "president of this whole damn country".

"Watch the fucking news on TV," she shouted through the plane.

Frontier Airlines passenger was filmed by other passengers

Jen recorded the spectacle on her cell phone and then published the pictures on TikTok.
Jen recorded the spectacle on her cell phone and then published the pictures on TikTok.  © Screenshot/TikTok/jenskilicious

A TikToker named "Jen Ski" filmed the crazy scene on her cell phone - at first in disbelief, but then she could hardly contain her laughter.

After about 90 seconds, the spectacle was finally over and the self-proclaimed "president" and, incidentally, ruler of "seven continents" dropped back into her seat.

For Jen, who is followed by just 600 people on TikTok, the bizarre incident on the plane was worth it. She racked up more than 450,000 views for her video.

It is not known whether the angry passenger managed to get her cell phone after all.