Rare type of cancer costs TikTok star (†27) her life
New York - Influencer Rachel Yaffe was only 27 years old. She was diagnosed with a rare liver carcinoma at the age of 20. Now she has finally lost the battle against cancer.

The New Yorker had been suffering for many years from fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma, a rare form of liver cancer that occurs very aggressively and without warning, especially in young people, reports People.com.
Rachel repeatedly gave online updates on her health condition on Instagram and TikTok.
There she authentically described the challenges that the treatments bring with them and how much her everyday life is affected by cancer.
Despite emergency surgery, numerous treatments and even intensive radiotherapy, the cancer could never be beaten.
In September 2024, she posted a final update following radiotherapy, where she talked about how she had lost most of her strength and was finding it incredibly difficult to get moving.
On October 11, 2024, the last of her strength finally left her, leaving her more than 55,000 fans in deep mourning.