Boy drives mother "up the wall" - then she shoots him in the head

Wichita (Kansas/USA) - This argument between mother and son ended fatally.

Robert Florence died at the age of 16.
Robert Florence died at the age of 16.  © GoFundMe/Screenshot/Support Florence boys to pay for celebration of life
As TooFab reports, police officers were called to an apartment complex in the US state of Kansas earlier this month. The reason: a panicked woman claimed to have shot her own son in the head.

The uniformed officers immediately set off.

The 16-year-old Robert Florence was still alive when the emergency services arrived at the scene. However, he died in hospital around two days later as a result of his serious injury.

But what had actually happened?

According to the magazine, Tesha Florence (46) had already got into an argument with her son on October 9, after he had been acting up all morning and "driving her up the wall".

First he refused to go to school, then he told his mother that he wanted to get some weed. He then began pulling down the blinds in the house, tearing up papers and scattering them on the floor.

Tesha's patience finally snapped when Robert reached for her handbag and pulled out her gun. Although he did not threaten her with it, the 46-year-old grabbed the gun and pointed it at her child. "Do you want to die?" she is said to have asked him before a shot was suddenly fired.

Woman collapses in front of police

The officers from the Sedgwick County precinct set off immediately, but the 16-year-old could not be rescued. He died two days later.
The officers from the Sedgwick County precinct set off immediately, but the 16-year-old could not be rescued. He died two days later.  © Sedgwick County Sheriff

When she was finally taken away by the police, she cried terribly and even asked the officers to simply kill her.

She had never wanted to hurt her son, but only to scare him. She allegedly believed that the gun was empty when she pointed it at Robert.

However, this is not the first incident of this kind. A few months ago, she is said to have threatened her ex-husband and his new girlfriend with the deadly projectile - fortunately without any injuries at the time.

She will now soon have to stand trial for Robert's death and is currently in custody. Her bail is the equivalent of 1.1 million euros.