Money instead of grief: Son keeps father's body hidden for monthly payments!
USA - What this man did is hard to believe: He hid his father's body in a freezer in his backyard - only to collect the deceased's social security checks for years.

Last week, a man was arrested in the US state of Arizona after police received a tip that there "might be a body hidden" in the garden of Joseph Hill Jr (51).
When the officers finally reached the house, the 51-year-old prevented them from getting near the freezer.
But the officers persisted and eventually obtained a search warrant.
So when they returned a few days later, they opened the chest - which was tightly sealed with blankets, cling film and tape - and found a shocking scene: The investigators discovered human remains in the form of a skeleton!
Joseph Hill Jr. is being held on bail

Finally, Hill Jr. confessed that he had bought the freezer after his father died four years ago. He said he was afraid he would lose the house his father had lived in since the 1960s if he reported his death.
So Hill put his father in the freezer and left him there - while he cashed his father's Social Security checks every month until March 2023, according to CBS 5 News.
The 51-year-old went on to say that he moved the chest several times and eventually intended to bury his father in the desert. However, each time he tried, "people were around" and he was unable to carry out the plan.
Police accuse Hill Jr. of hiding a body and failing to report a death - but more charges could follow. He is currently being held in custody on bail of 25,000 dollars (around 23,000 euros).