Dog drifts helplessly on a shopping cart in a canal: Her fate is heartbreaking!

Phoenix (USA) - Chihuahua mix Dorothea has had a tough time, literally seeing her life swim away. But animal rescuers and the fire department made sure that the dog still has a few good years ahead of her.

The mongrel floated helplessly on a shopping cart in a dirty canal.
The mongrel floated helplessly on a shopping cart in a dirty canal.  © Arizona Humane Society

These pictures are heartbreaking! Pelt-nose Dorothea was discovered helpless in a canal in Phoenix (US state of Arizona) in June of this year. The ten-year-old four-legged friend was lying huddled on a shopping cart and was in danger of being carried to nowhere by the floodwaters.

Fortunately, a passer-by noticed the poor Chihuahua mix and notified the animal rescuers at the Arizona Humane Society.

According to a report, they set off immediately, called the Phoenix Fire Department and did everything they could to get Dorothea back to dry land.

Using a ladder and various other aids, the "senior dog" was finally brought safely ashore.

Today Dorothea is a cheerful dog and loves to be stroked.
Today Dorothea is a cheerful dog and loves to be stroked.  © Arizona Humane Society

Dog wellness for Chihuahua mix Dorothea

In her new family's garden, the four-legged friend can enjoy the dog's retirement.
In her new family's garden, the four-legged friend can enjoy the dog's retirement.  © Arizona Humane Society

Full of fear, but still happy to be alive, the four-legged friend allowed herself to be taken to the animal welfare organization's headquarters and thoroughly examined.

As it turned out, the dog was dehydrated, covered in ticks and had not eaten for a long time. At a veterinary hospital, doctors also removed some of her broken teeth.

Once Dorothea was in a safe haven, the four-legged friend was allowed to enjoy a month of doggie wellness under the supervision of the Humane Society, including plenty of cuddles.

Today, the sweet fur nose is hardly recognizable, bursting with energy and joie de vivre. Dorothea can now enjoy her doggie retirement to the full. And in a new home too: the dog has now been adopted.