Confectioner serves her ex poisonous cupcakes and deadly drinks
Korneuburg - Revenge is sweet: When an Austrian baker (32) got wind of her boyfriend's affair, she swore revenge.

The 32-year-old is now on trial today (Tuesday, November 5) for two counts of attempted murder and is considered "highly dangerous" according to an expert. In addition to being sent to a forensic therapy center, she faces a life sentence.
The Austrian woman found out about her partner's fraud in 2022. The farmer (42) is said to have had an affair with the well-known local "pastry queen", as reported by the Austrian newspaper .
To get back at her ex-lover, the 32-year-old allegedly served him a deadly punch at a party. She is said to have mixed methanol and magic mushrooms into the drink.
The farmer only just survived the deadly mixture and was almost completely blinded. The victim's eyesight is now only two percent.
Confectioner planned another murder attempt

After the failed death cocktail, the pastry chef made a second attempt to harm her ex. She baked muffins laced with sleeping pills for the 42-year-old. As soon as he fell asleep, she allegedly slit his wrists. In doing so, she wanted to fake a suicide attempt.
As this attempted murder also failed, the 32-year-old came up with a new method to take revenge on the farmer: she told the police that her ex-partner had attacked her with a knife. Her daughter is also said to have been instructed to accuse the farmer.
However, investigators are said to have quickly established that the woman had inflicted the injuries herself. Nevertheless, the 42-year-old was held in custody for weeks.
On November 6, the farmer will testify in court. As he is still very afraid of his ex-partner, he will come with security. The verdict is due to be announced the following week.