Puppies are so alone after their mother's death: rescuer makes heartbreaking decision at the end
Odessa (Ukraine) - What sad pictures: In the latest YouTube video from "Love Furry Friends", the rescue of two puppies is proving difficult. According to the animal rights activists from Odessa in Ukraine, the little ones have recently lost their mother and are now completely on their own. At the end of the video, their rescuer Olena makes a heartbreaking decision.

The video has been available on the Love Furry Friends YouTube channel since the weekend. In it, the two puppies are extremely anxious when they first meet Olena.
As soon as the Ukrainian approaches them, they keep their distance. The friendly outstretched hand of the animal rights activist does not impress the little fur noses at all.
A hard cut follows. Somehow, Olena still managed to catch the dogs. She has now taken them to the vet.
There, too, the four-legged friends, both females, squeal with fear when she touches them.
Then the vet makes an unpleasant discovery about the kittens.
YouTube video by Love Furry Friends shows touching story of the two puppies

Marshmallow and Fluffy - as they are now called - suffer from worm infestation. The puppies therefore have to stay at the veterinary clinic for their treatment, where they are very frightened of people.
But after three weeks, the puppies are over the worst. They are allowed to move to the Love Furry Friends shelter, where Olena takes great care of them.
The furry friend becomes increasingly aware of how attached Marshmallow and Fluffy are to each other, which is why she makes a heartbreaking decision: the two animals must not be separated under any circumstances.
Although this makes their placement more difficult, the video even has a happy ending: Marshmallow and Fluffy have already been placed with a loving family!
Now the puppies have the chance of a wonderful life.