Teenager goes on a date and ends up in a torture chamber!

Paris - A terrible turn of events on a supposed date: when a 16-year-old recently set off on a date, he got a terrible surprise at the meeting point. Now the French police are investigating!

Instead of a romantic date, a boy (16) from France was in agony in a cellar. (symbolic image)
Instead of a romantic date, a boy (16) from France was in agony in a cellar. (symbolic image)  © 123rf/akhenatonimages

Completely scarred by his ordeal, the teenager was found on the street in a Parisian district on Sunday morning, as the newspaper"Le Parisien" reported on Tuesday. Passers-by alerted the police.

With a swollen face, broken nose and wounds all over his body, the teenager was immediately taken to hospital. There he recounted his horrific weekend.

On Sunday, he had arranged to meet a girl at a subway station whom he had met via Snapchat.

When he arrived at the meeting point, there was no sign of his date - but there were two men who had forced him to come with them.

Teenager is said to have been in debt

The 16-year-old then ended up in a cellar, where he was beaten and kicked in the face, whipped with sticks or humiliated in other ways. He was even forced to drink his own urine under threat of violence. The boy also spoke of an attempted rape.

One possible reason for his torment: during the painful torture, the men had asked the 16-year-old to pay back his debts.

The police investigation into the victim's statements had not yet been completed. The brutal perpetrators have not yet been identified.