Vacation horror: German (26) suffers life-threatening stabbing in the sea!
Hearson Cove (Australia) - 26-year-old Kacper Krupa from Germany went swimming in Hearson Cove, unaware of the danger that awaited him in the water.

As ABC reports, the 26-year-old, who works as a paramedic himself, was swimming with his girlfriend in the idyllic bay of Hearson Cove in Western Australia when he suddenly felt a sharp pain.
He was standing in waist-deep water and placed his left hand on what he initially thought was sand.
But then he felt a sharp sting, quickly pulled his hand out of the water and noticed that it was bleeding slightly.
"The fingers began to swell, the pain slowly traveled up the hand, slowly up the whole arm to the shoulder and across the chest to the heart," says the German.
Kacper Krupa had to drive himself to hospital

Despite the severe discomfort, Kacper had to drive himself to hospital as his girlfriend was still learning to drive. However, she took over shifting gears because he could no longer move his hand.
At the hospital, he received a shocking diagnosis: apparently he had been stung by a stonefish - the most poisonous fish in the world. The poison can lead to cardiac arrest and paralysis.
The 26-year-old was given painkillers. His hand was treated with hot water and vinegar to neutralize the poison.
Thanks to the quick treatment, the German was lucky in his misfortune. He spent a day in hospital, was prescribed antibiotics and recovered without any further consequences.