A woman buys a second-hand sweater for 10 euros: Then she finds out the true value

Vilnius (Lithuania) - For some, it's a hideous cat sweater that looks like the Cookie Monster had a kitty knitted onto its fur. For Giedrė Jakutytė from Vilnius, however, it is the find of the week - and not without good reason, as her research has shown.

Giedrė Jakutytė from Vilnius recently bought a blue cat sweater for 10 euros.
Giedrė Jakutytė from Vilnius recently bought a blue cat sweater for 10 euros.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/chipsnthrifts

The young woman was strolling through a second-hand store during her lunch break this week when she spotted the curious ten-euro sweater.

"I'm always on the lookout for unique pieces (...) When I saw this blue sweater among a pile of basics, I knew I had to take it. I was totally thrilled," Jakutytė said in an interview with Newsweek.

Because she immediately had such a feeling, the Lithuanian later researched who had made the sweater. She found out that it was the brand "Ann Arundell".

Ann Arundell is an English designer known for her knitwear. However, the designer's fashion also has its price.

Is Giedrė Jakutytė already planning to sell on?

Giedrė Jakutytė has a soft spot for fashion.
Giedrė Jakutytė has a soft spot for fashion.  © TikTok/Screenshot/chipsnthrifts

Sweaters similar to Jakutytė's find retail for up to 420 euros and were sold in luxury boutiques such as Harrods a few years ago.

But the bargain hunter still doesn't want to sell her latest treasure.

"As for my adorable new blue cat sweater - I'm definitely going to keep it. I have a dream of opening a (...) vintage store one day, and this piece feels like a step in that direction," she told the US magazine.

On Monday, Jakutytė published a TikTok picture show in which she presented her lucky find and its value.

For now, however, she is happy about her sure instinct: "Normally, I only search clothes racks for high-quality materials and colors. Some pieces are just destined to find you."