A woman never sleeps alone - these four companions are always by her side!
Netherlands - A woman cuddles her four adopted pets every night before going to bed - the video is simply adorable.

In a touching TikTok video, 31-year-old Pearl shared her bedtime routine with her two cats and two dogs, causing a real buzz on social media.
The clip shows the Dutchwoman lying in her bed surrounded by her four animal roommates.
All four animals have snuggled up close to her and are sleeping peacefully. A heartwarming sight that reflects the special bond between the animals and their owner.
In the video's description, she wrote: "POV: You adopt two abandoned cats and two stray dogs that no one wanted, and now your nights look like this."
With these words, Pearl powerfully conveyed how much her life has changed as a result of adopting these animals.
The video quickly went viral on social media and has now achieved over 29,900 views and 4150 likes.
In the comments below the video, many viewers share their own experiences with rescued animals or express their admiration for Pearl's decision to take in the four-legged friends.