Abandoned dogs wander abandoned through the streets - then there is a tragic accident

California (USA) - "There used to be two of them." With these sad words, Suzette Hall introduced a thoughtful post on Facebook on Monday.

Actually, the dogs were always traveling in pairs.
Actually, the dogs were always traveling in pairs.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Suzette Hall

"But there is only one left," the animal rescuer continued.

The reason why the dog left behind then wandered the streets alone: "Her friend was run over by a car."

A sad fate that led Hall to take action.

For two months after the accident, the little four-legged friend wandered alone through a wildlife park, drank the pond water there and ate cat food provided by staff.

Fortunately, her fate was soon to change.

After several weeks, Selena, a young woman from the neighborhood, could no longer bear to look at the four-legged friend's sad life. Eventually, the animal became thinner and thinner and began to limp.

Without further ado, she called Hall for help. And she acted immediately.

"I grabbed my trap on Friday," she explained, "and Selena patiently set it every day."

Rescuer has to defend cage against raccoons

Lonely and alone, the dog wandered the streets.
Lonely and alone, the dog wandered the streets.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Suzette Hall

But because the dog was so frightened, she simply didn't manage to trust the humans.

And so the raccoons in the park seemed to be more interested in the cage than the actual protégé. But Selena remained steadfast, defended the trap and never gave up on the furry friend.

And this patience was soon to bear fruit!

"[The dog] is a fighter and tonight was her time," Hall continued. "Selena texted me: 'She's in [the cage, editor's note]."

As soon as Hall arrived at the scene, she took the dog and simply couldn't hold back her tears. Her joy that she was finally safe was too great.

"I'm still crying," she said a few hours after the rescue.