After mysterious disappearance: Now Hannah Kobayashi speaks out!

USA - The missing person case of Hannah Kobayashi (31) made headlines when she suddenly disappeared in Las Vegas on her way to New York . She has now returned safe and sound to her family and has spoken out for the first time.

Hannah Kobayashi (31) has returned safely to her family.
Hannah Kobayashi (31) has returned safely to her family.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/Facebook/True Crime Society, Screenshot/Facebook/Missing Hannah Kobayashi Discussion And Updates

As reported by"People", Hannah Kobayashi was initially considered a "voluntary disappearance" after she crossed the Mexican border.

Now the 31-year-old has returned home safe and sound. In her statement, she thanked her family and all those who have supported her with compassion.

She emphasized that her focus is now on healing, peace and creativity and that she was unaware of the media coverage.

She is currently processing what she has experienced and her family hope to receive further answers from her soon.

Hannah Kobayashi had disappeared on her way to New York

It was noted in their itinerary that they wanted to deceive the immigration authorities with romantic vacation photos to give their marriage more credibility.
It was noted in their itinerary that they wanted to deceive the immigration authorities with romantic vacation photos to give their marriage more credibility.

The 31-year-old set off on her dream trip to New York at the beginning of November to photograph live music gigs and visit relatives.

But according tothe Daily Mail, she decided to leave Los Angeles International Airport and simply disappear to Mexico on purpose.

She was accompanied by her supposed green card husband, Alan Cacace, whom she had married in October.

Her travel plan was to deceive the immigration authorities with romantic photos, but after an argument, Hannah eventually chose a different route.