Anna Heiser finally opens up about couples therapy - and sets a deadline for the end of her relationship!

Namibia - "How should things continue with us? Is there still a 'we' at all?" asks Anna Heiser (34) in an extensive Instagram post on Friday afternoon. Her followers had been waiting a long time for an update on how the former "Bauer sucht Frau" dream couple , who are currently experiencing a serious relationship crisis, are doing . Now the mother of two "delivers", giving deep insights into her couples therapy with farmer Gerald (39).

Anna Heiser (34) and Gerald Heiser (39) have two children and are in a deep relationship crisis.
Anna Heiser (34) and Gerald Heiser (39) have two children and are in a deep relationship crisis.  © Bildmontage: Instagram/Screenshots/annaheiser

Right at the beginning of the post, Anna doesn't mince her words: "The last few weeks have been characterized by ups and downs. Even the first session of couples therapy made things clearer. We have said things that I never thought we would ever say or hear. Anger, accusations, disappointment - it was all there."

So much had built up. As painful as it was, it gave them important insights that were crucial to overcoming their marriage crisis, says the 34-year-old.

"We don't always treat each other with love, and that hurts. And I don't mean with rose-colored glasses. Where has the lightness of our relationship gone? When was the last time we laughed together? Talked about anything other than work, the children or the division of tasks?" asks the emigrant.

Everyday life and its problems have hit her and Gerald with full force. She longs so much for everything to be as carefree as it used to be. "I miss us," she writes.

But Annais far from finished. Her post is much longer and even contains an ultimatum!

Instagram post by Anna Heiser is very long

As her strength was waning, she had set herself a deadline, the influencer said.

"Until December 2025, I will do everything in my power to save our relationship and our home. After that, I will have to make a decision. That may sound selfish, but I'm doing it for me."

The couple's therapy is not the only way to achieve this in the coming months. Anna writes that she and Gerald have now also opted for individual therapy.

"No matter what the future holds for us - I never want to have to reproach myself later for not having tried everything," she concludes.