Cat desperately trying to escape from the bathtub makes the net laugh

Arizona (USA) - A cat desperately trying to escape from a bathtub has caused a lot of laughter on the Internet.

The house cat was not at all enthusiastic about his extensive bath.
The house cat was not at all enthusiastic about his extensive bath.  © TikTok/sarahguz20

Pet owner Sarah Guzman from the US state of Arizona published the hilarious recording on her TikTok channel "sarahguz20".

You can see her cute cat meowing dramatically while bathing and even trying to climb up the wall to escape the treacherous water.

But the ball of fur doesn't stand a chance and is thoroughly soaped up and scrubbed down by his mistress.

Incidentally, nobody really knows why most cats have an aversion to water. However, some experts seem to believe that it is in their genes.

Wild cats rarely had access to water in their natural habitat in the past, meaning they had little experience of it.

However,some breeds - such as the Turkish Van - are known to love swimming and are not afraid of water. It is generally recommended that cats are rarely bathed as they can keep themselves clean.

Cat trying to escape from the bathtub makes the internet laugh

Cats that can no longer groom themselves properly - such as older, arthritic and overweight cats - may need your help. Any changes in your cat's grooming habits should be assessed by a vet .

The funny video quickly went viral on social media, reaching 12.1 million views, 1.9 million likes and 12,500 comments.