Cruel act: dog is kidnapped and thrown out of a moving car

Commerce City (USA) - Shocking case of animal cruelty: A dog was abducted from its owner's garden and thrown out of a moving car in the US state of Colorado.

The four-legged friend (†12) crashed out of a moving car onto the road and broke his back.
The four-legged friend (†12) crashed out of a moving car onto the road and broke his back.  © Screenshot/Instagram/commercecitypd

As reported by CBS News, a tragic incident occurred in Commerce City in which a dog named "Rambo" was seriously injured.

The four-legged friend was knocked out of a moving car onto the roadway and broke his back.

Police officers who were called to the injured four-legged friend immediately took the animal to an emergency vet.

There it turned out that the 12-year-old male dog was suffering from unbearable pain and was unable to move due to his severe injuries.

Unfortunately, the dog had to be euthanized shortly afterwards.

Main witness could not remember any details about the vehicle

The owner learned of his dog's tragic fate when he saw a photo of him in a police press release on Instagram.
The owner learned of his dog's tragic fate when he saw a photo of him in a police press release on Instagram.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/Instagram/commercecitypd

The police have launched an investigation into the shocking incident, in which Rambo eventually died due to his serious injuries.

But the tragedy began much earlier: the four-legged friend had previously been abducted from his owner's garden when he was not at home.

The owner learned of his pet's tragic fate when he saw a photo of him in a police press release on Instagram - along with an X-ray of his broken spine.

The main witness who had observed the incident was deeply shaken when he saw the animal being thrown out of the moving car. He is said to have immediately rushed to the injured dog to help him, as the police announced in a Facebook response.

The police are now searching for the thief, who has been charged with aggravated cruelty to animals.