Custody war escalates: Ex-ballerina shoots husband - 20 years in prison!
USA - After a former ballerina shot her husband in a custody dispute, she was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

As the New York Post reported, her lawyers pleaded self-defense, but the prosecution was not persuaded and showed no mercy.
According to the prosecution, the shooting was part of a carefully planned scheme by Benefield to gain sole custody of their child.
Doug had turned up unannounced at Ashley's mother's home in the US state of Florida, whereupon an altercation ensued.
Ashley Benefield claimed that he had attacked her, whereupon she pulled out a gun and shot him.
Ashley Benefield sentenced to 20 years in prison

However, evidence found at the scene indicated that Doug had turned away during the argument. According to the prosecution, there was no plausible reason for Ashley to shoot him.
The couple were in a bitter custody battle over their shared child. Benefield allegedly kept the baby away from her husband for six months after the birth. Doug was only granted the right to see his child by a court order.
The 33-year-old had already contacted the police several times during her pregnancy and accused her husband of abuse. Among other things, she claimed that he had shot into the ceiling with a gun to intimidate her, knocked her dog unconscious and always kept a loaded firearm to hand.
However, the public prosecutor's office rejected these allegations as staged. In their opinion, the accusations were a tactical means of gaining custody of their child.