Dangerous incident: Passenger tries to hijack plane - crew intervenes!
Mexico - There was an attempted hijacking on a Volaris flight: a passenger fought with the crew and tried to get into the cockpit!

Last Saturday morning, during a domestic flight in Mexico, the man attempted to hijack the plane and steer it towards the USA .
As the New York Post reported, he attacked a flight attendant and tried to force his way into the cockpit.
But the crew acted quickly: they detained the man while the pilot sent out an alarm code and landed at Guadalajara International Airport in central Mexico. The plane was originally scheduled to fly to Tijuana.
After the plane landed, the man was quickly handed overto the police. It is not clear if he was armed. He was traveling with his wife and two children.
Flight could continue without suspects

The suspect is a 31-year-old Mexican citizen, identified by the authorities as "Mario".
The crew and other passengers were able to continue their flight to Tijuana shortly after the suspect was removed. No other incidents were reported.
Spokesmen for the airline stated that the 31-year-old told them that one of his family members had been kidnapped and that he had received death threats asking him not to travel to Tijuana once the flight took off.
"All passengers, crew and the plane are safe," he said. Volaris regrets the inconvenience this situation has caused. Volaris' highest priority is the safety of the passengers and crew," the company said in a statement.