Distinct right-wing scene: Twelve arrests in raid against "Werewolf Division"

By Christoph Sator

Bologna - At least twelve suspects have beenarrested in a raid against an Italian neo-Nazi group called the "Werewolf Division".

Three "Carabinieri" cars in front of a building in Bologna. The city has a strong right-wing scene.
Three "Carabinieri" cars in front of a building in Bologna. The city has a strong right-wing scene.  © Christoph Sator/dpa

Around a dozen homes were searched, according to police and the public prosecutor's office in Bologna.

There is a strong right-wing scene in the northern Italian city and other places.

Those arrested are accused of belonging to an association for terrorist purposes.

Other charges include: Propaganda and incitement to commit crimes on the grounds of racial, ethnic or religious discrimination and possession of firearms.