Dog sits in the snow for the first time: his reaction is sweet as sugar!
USA - For the first time in his life, Italian Greyhound Mocca was to experience what snow feels like under his little paws. The reaction of the tender greyhound spoke volumes!

The Italian wind chime (a recognized dog breed) was not at all pleased when his owner carried him out of the warm apartment and dropped him off in the cold.
To make matters worse, Mocca was filmed cowering in the snow, visibly frightened and taken by surprise. But what happened next has warmed more than 1.4 million hearts on TikTok so far.
The video shows how the furry friend decided to run away from the snow and his owner. Mocca summoned up all his courage, took his thin legs in his paws and ran straight back into the house.
First along the long hallway, then almost like a bunny hopping up the stairs to the penultimate step. There the four-legged friend - obviously feeling safe - turned around triumphantly to face his mistress.
Mocca the dog doesn't like rain and cold at all, he loves it cozy instead!

Mocca's owner probably had a guilty conscience after the action. Because her TikTok video ended with a photo of her sleeping pet - wrapped up thickly in a fluffy blanket.
"He reacts like this every time, even when it's raining or generally cold," the dog mom told Newsweek. Mocca prefers a warm, cozy bed.
In fact, not all dogs like to go outside in wind and weather. If you still want to take your four-legged friend out for a walk, you should stick to certain rules, especially in wintry conditions.
For example, the US animal welfare organization ASPCA recommends applying Vaseline to dogs' paws or putting so-called dog boots on them. This protects against injuries.
Short-haired dogs should also wear a coat or sweater and be dried off with a towel after a walk. If a warm place to sleep is then available, the pelt-noses are happy. Mocca has shown the way.