Father Frost, a hooligan? Santa Claus with a lead foot clearly driving too fast
Veliki Ustyug (Russia) - Is Santa Claus a hooligan? Father Frost, his Russian counterpart, at least seems to be!

According to a report by the German Press Agency, Russia's "gift deliverer" is said to have received a number of speeding tickets under the Christmas tree.
This year alone, Father Frost has collected speeding tickets amounting to more than 24,500 roubles (around 230 euros).
Reindeer Rudolph and his pals are not to blame, however! All of the parking tickets are said to have been collected by three cars from the Christmas fleet.
This means that Santa Claus was sometimes driving 40 to 60 kilometers per hour too fast on the roads of the Vologda region in northwest Russia.
Vologda region is a magnet for tourists, especially in winter
The Vologda region around the town of Veliki Ustyug is considered the home of Father Frost. Locals and tourists flock to Santa's residence in winter.
Visitors can take a look behind the scenes of his estate and at the same time give the man with the white beard their wishes for the big holiday.
By the way: Father Frost is said to have already paid some of his fines! So the man is only a part-time hooligan.