Golden retriever barks angrily because cable is in the way: how he solves the problem causes laughter
Canada - This golden retriever lady from Canada is a real diva from whom the princess and the pea can still learn a thing or two. Instagram users have plenty to laugh about.

In the corresponding viral hit, female dog Daisy stands in front of a charging cable that is connected to a laptop. This creates a ridiculously easy barrier to overcome, but it seems to be causing the female a lot of trouble.
Daisy barks furiously, presumably in the hope that her owner will remove the "obstacle". But unfortunately nothing happens. As a result, Daisy's problems get worse.
The furry friend stares at the cable again and again, but has no idea how to overcome it. In the clip, difficult mathematical formulas are shown for fun.
At some point, Daisy needs a break. Exhausted, she rests her head on the cable and still seems to have no idea how to do it.
But then something slowly happens.
Viral Instagram video shows curious situation with golden retriever Daisy

The golden retriever diva seems to have a flash of inspiration. Determined, she looks straight into the camera. Then Daisy risks everything: she tries to climb over the cable.
But then it happens: the furry friend gets tangled up, gets scared and wants to give up. But just as she is about to pull back, she pulls so hard on the cable that the plug flies out of the socket.
Suddenly the barrier has disappeared. Satisfied, the golden retriever takes its preferred route. "Take that!" says the appropriate subtitle.
The clip is also well received by the Instagram audience because it is accompanied by a funny melody that rounds it off perfectly.
1.1 million clicks and more than 65,000 likes were collected within the first week of publication. Many users find the curious video so funny that they post whole rows of emojis laughing tears.
So in the end it was a small step for Daisy, but a big one for the laugh muscles.