Golden Retriever goes for a walk in the snow : When his owner wants to go home, he reacts strangely

Boston (Massachusetts/USA) - Could it get any funnier? There's no denying that this golden retriever loves the snow.

Brody didn't want to go home after the round.
Brody didn't want to go home after the round.  © TikTok/Screenshot/brody.the.goldy

Winter has arrived. In large parts of the USA, temperatures are currently falling below freezing again and again, and many cities are covered in a layer of white snow.

Boston, the capital of the US state of Massachusetts, is no exception. And four-legged friend Brody just can't get enough of this white splendor.

In a video that his owner has since published on TikTok, you can see exactly how happy the furry friend is about the cold weather.

After going for a long walk with his owner, Brody simply threw himself into the snow. And has refused to get up ever since.

"Brody, let's go," his human best friend then tries. "Come on. Let's get going." But in vain.

The dog lies enthusiastically on his back in the snow and doesn't even think about listening to his owner.

"POV: You have a stubborn golden retriever who loves the snow," she captioned the video, eventually asking her followers for help: "Can someone tell Brody it's too cold for this?"

Brody's owner shared the funny clip online on TikTok

Users laugh heartily about golden retrievers in the snow

There was no need for Brody's owner to warm up afterwards: the dog simply claimed her bed.
There was no need for Brody's owner to warm up afterwards: the dog simply claimed her bed.  © TikTok/Screenshot/brody.the.goldy

Within just two days, the clip had already been viewed more than 92,000 times and made countless users laugh.

"I have the same problem with my Golden Retriever", smiled one user under the clip, to which Brody's owner could only shake her head: "It must be a Goldie thing", she replied.

After all, after a few minutes, Brody took pity on her. What luck! His owner had already started to freeze in the snow flurries. However, she wasn't able to warm up much after the walk.

As a second clip on the channel reveals, the dog simply made his owner's bed his own after the walk.