Golden retriever misses his master terribly: what he does about it melts hearts

Wisconsin (USA) - We all know it: the feeling of missing someone can really hurt your heart - especially if it happens every day. Mabel, a dog from the USA, has therefore developed a strategy to deal with the great longing for her owner.

Golden Retriever Mabel has found her very own strategy for dealing with her longing for her master.
Golden Retriever Mabel has found her very own strategy for dealing with her longing for her master.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/Becky S

Every day of the week, the golden retriever finds it hard to say goodbye to her human dad when he leaves the house for work.

Dozens of videos filmed by her owner Becky show just how big Mabel's "missing" really is. She noticed that the four-legged friend stole an item of her husband's clothing from the bedroom every morning when her master was away.

However, the golden retriever never means any harm, but is simply trying to satisfy his enormous longing. In the clips, you can see how Mabel always brings her "stolen goods" downstairs to the living room, where she then buries her snout in the garment with heartbreaking sweetness.

Apparently the fur nose can only really relax when she at least has the smell of her beloved master in her nose.

Sweet Golden Retriever campaign melts millions of hearts

Every morning, four-legged friend Mabel brings an item of her owner's clothing into the living room to cuddle with.
Every morning, four-legged friend Mabel brings an item of her owner's clothing into the living room to cuddle with.  © Screenshot/TikTok/Becky S

Fortunately, her owner is not annoyed by this cute ritual, but actually supports the action: "My husband always leaves her something to take home," writes Becky on TikTok. She also finds Mabel's longing touching. "My heart can't stand the sweetness of this dog. She does it every morning," adds the US American.

The golden retriever's behavior melted thousands of hearts on the video platform. Some of the clips were clicked millions of times. "This is absolute love," one user is certain.

Fortunately, Mabel is never alone in her longing.

Mummy Becky is at home with her four-legged friend when her husband is away and spoils him with lots of cuddles and treats - even though she knows she can't replace her husband, of course!