Golden retriever watches owner applying make-up - what happens next inspires so many
New York (USA) - Model Meredith Duxbury (26) is actually known for her countless make-up videos on TikTok. On Saturday, however, she shared a rather atypical clip on her account.

Although she also sits in front of the camera to show her more than 18.4 million followers how she gets ready for the day, she has a little furry friend by her side: one of the 26-year-old's two dogs .
"My golden retriever always comes and sits on my lap when I'm doing my makeup," Meredith wrote in the short clip.
However, instead of gently pushing him aside as she usually does, this time the young woman kept him with her "and let him join in the fun."
You can then see the influencer not only getting herself ready, but also pretending to apply make-up to her darling. To do this, she dabs the lip gloss in the air in front of the dog, brushes his fur, sprays him with setting spray and pretends to apply mascara to her beloved pet's eyelashes.
Golden Retriever eagerly awaits final result

The four-legged friend seems very impressed by his owner's skills. He sits patiently on her lap and looks as if he is eagerly awaiting his final look.
In just eleven hours, the clip has already been viewed more than 130,000 times and users have responded enthusiastically.
Meredith originally made a name for herself on TikTok by always applying far too much foundation (at least ten pumps) to her face - only to present the perfect look at the end.
Meredith Duxbury made a name for herself with such TikTok videos
From the very beginning, fans had repeatedly speculated that the 26-year-old was actually wearing much less make-up than she said online. However, Meredith only finally admitted it shortly before the TikTok ban in the USA, when she admitted as part of a trend that she repeatedly wiped the foundation off her face between cuts.