Hannah's last sign of life: Mysterious messages and questionable payments

Los Angeles (USA) - A 31-year-old woman from Hawaii mysteriously disappeared on her way to New York. The case raises many questions, especially because she left mysterious messages.

Hannah Kobayashi's family fears that the 31-year-old may have been taken away from California against her will.
Hannah Kobayashi's family fears that the 31-year-old may have been taken away from California against her will.  © Screenshot/Instagram/islandmagik

As Daily Mail reports, Hannah Kobayashi from Hawaii wanted to travel to New York in early November to photograph live music gigs and visit relatives.

She had invested a lot of money in hotel rooms and concert tickets and received a press pass - the trip was a long-awaited dream for her. But she never reached her destination.

Shortly before her disappearance, the Hawaiian woman had sent strange messages to her family and friends, which worried them greatly. Her sister in particular is convinced that the 31-year-old may have been controlled by someone and that the cryptic messages were not of her own volition.

Various theories are circulating on social networks, including the suggestion that the young woman could have been brainwashed by a new age cult called "Twin Flames" - or that she was abducted.

The family themselves also share the fear that their daughter may have been taken away from California against her will.

Money transfers and strange messages raise questions

Hannah Kobayashi sent out a series of strange messages in which she spoke of a "spiritual awakening".
Hannah Kobayashi sent out a series of strange messages in which she spoke of a "spiritual awakening".  © Screenshot/Facebook/Missing Hannah Kobayashi Discussion And Updates

Police are currently searching for a man named Jonathan Taylor and a woman, Veronica Almendarez, to whom the 31-year-old had transferred money in the days before her disappearance.

However, these names mean nothing to the family and so far it is unclear what relationship these people might have to the missing woman.

In addition to these mysterious transactions, the Hawaiian woman also sent a series of strange messages in which she spoke of a "spiritual awakening" and that deep hackers had both deleted her identity and stolen all her money.

The family also received a disturbing message in which she wrote that she was scared and couldn't come home. To a friend, she wrote: "I was practically tricked into giving away all my money - for someone I thought I loved." In another message, she apologized for her "craziness" and assured them that she was safe.

Her phone has remained turned off since November 11, and the 31-year-old's last location tracked was the Los Angeles airport.

Hannah Kobayashi's last steps

Hannah Kobayashi (31) wore a black hoodie, colorful jogging pants and walked through the airport hall with headphones on before she disappeared.
Hannah Kobayashi (31) wore a black hoodie, colorful jogging pants and walked through the airport hall with headphones on before she disappeared.  © Screenshot/Facebook/Missing People In America

A surveillance camera had previously recorded the 31-year-old at Los Angeles Airport on November 8, when she got off the plane wearing a black hoodie and colorful sweatpants.

The next day, she was spotted at The Grove shopping mall, where she was charging her cell phone. Shortly after, she appeared in a YouTube video at a Nike event, again wearing the same outfit.

On November 11, she was seen once again on the subway, leaving the station accompanied by an unknown person. The last sign of life from Hannah.