Heartlessly abandoned: Little dog waits for weeks for her owners to come back

California (USA) - How heartless can some people be? Three weeks ago, a little dog was simply abandoned in a park. Since then, she has been waiting dutifully on the spot - in the hope that her owners would finally come back.

Day in, day out, the little bitch sat in one place.
Day in, day out, the little bitch sat in one place.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Suzette Hall

Unfortunately, that was not to be.

Suzette Hall's heart still breaks when she thinks back to her most recent rescue.

She finally reported the fate of the four-legged friend on Facebook : "A jogger who was doing his laps in the park used to bring her food and water. However, she was very scared and wouldn't let anyone get close enough to help her."

Instead, she ran away - only to return a short time later to the spot where she had been abandoned.

No wonder the animal rescuer quickly realized that she had to help this furry friend. And so she set off immediately.

However, before she could arrive at the park, an employee from a local rescue center beat her to it. Hall immediately went into raptures: "He really is an asset to this community and an official with a huge heart."

After setting a trap for the dog, however, he realized that the animal wasn't interested in it at all. "So I got small fences and put them up so she could go in and out on her own," says Hall.

Happy ending for abandoned dog

Suzette Hall poses with her helper and her protégé.
Suzette Hall poses with her helper and her protégé.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Suzette Hall

She and the officer finally started to lure the four-legged friend with some food - and lo and behold: "It worked!"

"This little girl was so relieved. And so are we," the animal rescuer continued. "She is finally safe and warm." Shortly after the rescue, Hall took the pelt-nose to the vet.

"The whole way [there, editor's note] she snored in peace. She knew she was safe." What a lovely happy ending.