Horrible father takes his son out for a drunken beer run: Out of fear, the boy only knows one way out

Kentucky (USA) - US-American Austin Brooks probably didn't give a damn about the welfare of his own son. There is no other way to explain his behavior!

Austin Brooks (40) wasn't interested in his child's well-being at all. All that mattered was the next beer.
Austin Brooks (40) wasn't interested in his child's well-being at all. All that mattered was the next beer.  © Scott County Jail

Last weekend, the 40-year-old went to get beer with his boy and his nephew.

That alone doesn't seem bad. But what follows is unimaginable. As WKYT reported, Brooks shouldn't have been driving at all.

His thirst seemed so great, however, that the 40-year-old got behind the wheel of his pickup drunk, "stowed" his son and nephew in the back and then sped off.

Brooks is said to have driven so fast on the wet road that the two children felt uneasy and fear spread. So they tried to draw attention to themselves by knocking on the cab.

However, Brooks probably had the next beer in mind, but did not react and drove on.

While the drunk father drove his pick-up, his son and nephew had to wait in the back of the truck. (symbolic image)
While the drunk father drove his pick-up, his son and nephew had to wait in the back of the truck. (symbolic image)  © 123RF/nitinut380

Father simply leaves injured son on the street

The boys' fear had finally become so great that they feared for their lives. The only way out was to jump off the loading area at full speed. And that's what happened in the end.

Brooks' nephew got off lightly and, according to court documents, only suffered minor injuries. His son, on the other hand, was hit much harder! The boy had to be taken to hospital with serious head injuries and put into a coma.

This didn't bother the horror father and uncle at all, he simply drove on. He now has to answer for this in court.