"I thought it was a statue": Woman looks out the window and freaks out!
New York (USA) - As a dog trainer, Deanne Romano has certainly come across many difficult animal cases. But what happened to the New Yorker a week ago on Saturday topped all her previous experiences.

"I freaked out," Romano told the New York Post. The moment she looked out of the window in the Upper West Side (Manhattan district) and suddenly saw a dog.
The four-legged friend was not lying around comfortably in the neighboring apartment, but was balancing on a ledge on the 15th floor, around 60 meters above the ground.
At first, Romano thought the big black thing was a statue because it was "frozen" on the façade. But when the "statue" suddenly moved, stretched its head over the balustrade and then stood on its hind legs, the New Yorker felt compelled to act - she called the emergency services.
In this case, however, the police were not the friend and helper she had hoped for. More than two hours passed without anyone coming to the animal's rescue, Romano told the neighborhood magazine "I love the Upper West Side".
Deanne Romano suspects that the dog was deliberately locked out
The dog trainer was left helpless and helpless and suspected that this could be a violation of animal welfare. And Romano wasn't wrong about that!
A doorman at the high-rise building in question told the New York Post that the dog had been noticed several times before and that the building management had already contacted his owners.
Investigations have now revealed that the dog's owners are apparently deliberately locking their poor four-legged friend out of the apartment and blocking his way back into the warmth with a chair.
Meanwhile, descriptions from neighbors confirmed Deanne Romano's theory: they also described the handling of the dog as cruelty to animals.