Man goes back to the hairdresser after years: When he's done with him, he looks completely different
Richmond (USA) - With this customer, hair influencer Thai Nguyen (25) had a real find in his salon in Richmond. The resourceful hairdresser immediately set up his camera to document this "transformation" for his TikTok followers. Viral success was guaranteed.

In the curious clip, which went online last month, the young man sits in the hairdressing salon, where Nguyen gets right up close and personal with him. "Hey bro, when did you start growing your hair?" asks the 25-year-old.
"During Covid. My wife is getting tired of it, I'm getting a little tired of it. Just cut it off!" the US-American asks the hairdresser resignedly.
His hair is indeed very long. He also has a full beard and glasses. Some users are sure to think of Jesus when they see this look.
According to the guest, his hair is always in the way, especially when he sleeps, sometimes in his face and sometimes in his wife's face.
There is nothing left of this problem in the second part of the viral hit. Because Nguyen makes short work of it in the truest sense of the word.
Viral TikTok hit shows curious transformation

After the cut, the customer sits there with a modern hairstyle. Nguyen has left a little length at the back of his head.
To enhance the effect, the man does away with his glasses in the second part of the clip. This finally makes him look like a different person. But does he like it?
The customer seems a little surprised when he sees the result. He does say that he likes it much better. But the American doesn't seem really convinced.
Nguyen asks him how long it took to get to him. "Two and a half hours," says the visitor. Was it worth it? The customer struggles to smile and confirms: "Yes, it was absolutely worth it."
Above all, it was also worth it for Nguyen, who was able to land another viral hit. 2.2 million clicks, plus more than 280,000 likes!