Man is speechless when he opens the hood of his car - What has happened here?

Minnesota (USA) - The young man had actually just wanted to drop by the garage to have his car's oil changed. But what the mechatronics engineers found in the engine compartment probably made everyone laugh!

A squirrel had really done a great job here!
A squirrel had really done a great job here!  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshot/blackbean1121 (2)

When Carlos Jeffers-Suffles and his colleagues opened the hood, they frowned in amazement.

The engine was no longer visible at all, as it was covered all over with countless pine cones.

It was immediately clear to the mechanics that a small furry creature had been at work here.

Presumably a squirrel had stashed its supplies for the coming winter in this very vehicle.

Particularly curious: "The owner [of the car] had no idea," Jeffers-Suffles wrote on a video of the bizarre find, which he has since published on his TikTok account. The car made no sound whatsoever while driving.

The mechanic shared a video of the curious find on TikTok

Fir cones dumped in woodland for other animals

The squirrel certainly didn't have much to laugh about when it arrived back at its collection point in the evening. (symbolic image)
The squirrel certainly didn't have much to laugh about when it arrived back at its collection point in the evening. (symbolic image)  © Jacob King/PA Wire/dpa

However, Jeffers-Suffles could not leave the car like that. A good day for the American: "Surprisingly, I was paid for three hours to clean the engine compartment. So I'm not complaining."

In complete contrast to the four-legged friend, whose year's work was probably ruined.

"This squirrel will never be able to recover financially from this incident," one user wrote with amusement under the clip, to which Jeffers-Suffles replied: "We were just talking about how pissed**** the animal must be when it gets back to the car."

After all, the pine cones were not thrown away. Instead, the colleagues deposited them in a neighboring wooded area in the hope of bringing joy toat least a few other animals .