Man lets his cat lick his balls! Court issues important judgment
By Christiane Oelrich
Uster - " Cats also have dignity and (a right to) sexual self-determination" - with this statement, a judge in Switzerland has sentenced a man for cruelty to animals and pornography.

The Frenchman had wet his genital area with milk and made his pet cat lick it. He filmed this and uploaded the video to a relevant platform.
The judge in Uster, east of Zurich, sentenced him to a six-month suspended prison sentence, as the Swiss news agency Keystone-SDA reported from the courtroom. The man showed remorse.
He had ended up on dubious websites out of boredom during the coronavirus pandemic and then got more and more involved. Others had encouraged him to upload recordings. The police tracked the man down via the uploaded videos.
In Switzerland, sexual acts with animals are considered a violation of animal dignity and cruelty to animals, regardless of whether the animal is harmed.
The public prosecutor's office had demanded a harsher sentence, but the judge agreed with the man's lawyer. Nevertheless, the convicted man can still appeal.