Millionaire surprises small community: that's why it's in his will

Thiberville (France) - The inhabitants of this small town in Normandy certainly didn't expect a call like this! A previously unknown man bequeathed an incredible 10 million euros to the small town, apparently for no reason.

The small municipality of Thiberville is located in the north of France in Normandy and is home to 1773 inhabitants.
The small municipality of Thiberville is located in the north of France in Normandy and is home to 1773 inhabitants.  © IMAGO/MAXPPP

As the French radio station France Bleu reports, Mayor Guy Paris received a call from an unknown number a few weeks ago.

It soon emerged that the caller was a notary from the capital city of Paris. He informed Guy that a man had bequeathed his entire fortune of ten million euros to the small village of Thiberville.

The donor is the millionaire engineer Roger Thiberville. He himself comes from Paris and has never visited the small commune, but it seems that he decided to bequeath his fortune to the commune after his death because of the same name. He has no other heirs.

This inheritance is more than five times the annual budget of Thiberville!

The small municipality of Thiberville is around 2.5 hours' drive from Paris.
The small municipality of Thiberville is around 2.5 hours' drive from Paris.  © Screenshot: Google Maps

Stele in Thiberville to commemorate Roger Thiberville

The municipality of Thiberville would first like to use the money to pay off a loan of 400,000 euros, which they had to take out in order to build a new kindergarten. They also plan to open a post office and build a new soccer pitch and fire station.

Mayor Guy Paris announced in an interview with the radio station that he would erect a stele in the cemetery in memory of Roger Thiberville as a thank you for the generous donation.