More than just a group photo! Scary picture causes fear and terror on the internet!

Chile - If you think this group photo is just six friends on a hike, you'd be wrong! Because an inconspicuous detail in the picture is made of the stuff horror movies are usually made of!

At first glance, this group photo looks like a cheerful snapshot taken during a trip. If it weren't for one inconspicuous detail ...
At first glance, this group photo looks like a cheerful snapshot taken during a trip. If it weren't for one inconspicuous detail ...  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/Reddit/CursedEmoji

User "CursedEmoji" published the photo on Reddit and added the note that a friend from Chile had sent him the snapshot. So far, so harmless.

However, the Reddit user posted the picture in the "Ghosts" group. This should make it clear to any viewer that there is something creepy in the photo.

At first glance, all you can see are the six people - including four women and two men - beaming happily at the camera as they walk along a hiking trail in a forest.

However, if you take a closer look, you realize that a mysterious creature hasapparently smuggleditself into the photo. A dark grimace peers out from between the blonde on the far left and the woman next to her.

Photo detail causes fear and horror

A ghost appears to be hiding between two of the four women in the photo - but it is said to be just another member of the group of friends.
A ghost appears to be hiding between two of the four women in the photo - but it is said to be just another member of the group of friends.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/Reddit/CursedEmoji

Users on Reddit are beside themselves: "This is the scariest thing! I wasn't expecting this!" writes one person in the comments.

Another says: "I've never gone from not impressed to shaking so quickly." Some users even dread the night ahead, fearing that the scare will haunt their dreams.

Some viewers are desperately searching for a logical explanation. Some users accuse the author of the post of editing the photo afterwards and artificially inserting the supposed ghost. Other users are certain that it is just another member of the group of friends who was simply photographed unhappily.

"It's just a person who is also in the group, whose face is hidden in shadow by the two around them and looks creepy because of that intense blue filter." The user said that you could even make out part of the person's head and hair if you looked properly. However, other viewers tried to refute this.

Regardless of the truth behind the snapshot, it certainly generated a lot of clicks!