Mother (†54) beats cancer - but the parachute is her undoing!

Eloy (USA) - A mother of two (†54), who had jumped from the brink of death several times, tragically died when her parachute failed during a jump in the US state of Arizona .

Ann Wick (†54) had already parachuted almost 300 times in her spare time and loved the thrill.
Ann Wick (†54) had already parachuted almost 300 times in her spare time and loved the thrill.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Ann Wick

As Daily Mail reports, Ann Wick had already skydived almost 300 times in her spare time and loved the thrill.

On January 24, the mother of two was again skydiving with a group at Skydive Arizona when suddenly, after jumping out of a light aircraft, her parachute failed to deploy properly.

The emergency services rushed to her side immediately, but all help came too late for the 54-year-old. The injuries from the impact were too serious.

The police have launched an investigation into the incident to determine the exact cause of the tragedy.

Ann had already cheated death several times

Ann Wick had beaten breast cancer after several operations and chemotherapy treatments.
Ann Wick had beaten breast cancer after several operations and chemotherapy treatments.  © GoFundMe/Screenshot/Assist Ann's Children After Skydiving Tragedy

Ann was a real fighter: at the age of 20 she survived a serious car accident, and at 31 she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer, which she was able to beat after several operations and chemotherapy treatments.

Her family has set up a GoFundMe fundraising page to provide financial support for Ann's children. So far, 5900 USD (around 5490 euros) has been donated.