Mother thinks she can sleep in when she suddenly notices shadows at the door

East Midlands (UK) - Sleeping in is a foreign concept for most mothers. So it's all the nicer when your partner allows you to do so from time to time to recharge your batteries. British mother Francesca Sorrentino (27), for example, is allowed to sleep in alone at the weekend - but one of her "flatmates" had to get used to it first.

A British woman filmed her bedroom door slowly opening and a shadow appearing.
A British woman filmed her bedroom door slowly opening and a shadow appearing.  © Bildmontage/Screenshot/TikTok/sonnyshine

Francesca and her partner recently became parents. And as many people know, every hour of sleep is sacred during the baby phase.

In order to survive the exhausting nights, the 27-year-old's partner gets up alone with the little one at the weekend, allowing his wife to get a good night's sleep.

The family's dog - the red golden retriever Sonny - then developed a ritual that couldn't be cuter.

It turned out that the four-legged friend insisted on starting the day with his owner.

So instead of getting up with his owner and the baby in the morning, Sonny has been waiting patiently upstairs in front of the bedroom door until his "mom" wakes up since the baby was born.

Video: Golden Retriever waits patiently for mom to wake up

Golden Retriever Sonny loves to cuddle with his owner in the morning.
Golden Retriever Sonny loves to cuddle with his owner in the morning.  © Screenshot/TikTok/sonnyshine

A TikTok video of the British woman shows what this looks like. In the clip, the golden retriever pushes the door open very slowly and quietly, with only his shadow visible at first. "He waits for me to say 'good morning' and then comes in for a cuddle," the 27-year-old explains to Newsweek.

The whole ritual can go on for up to two hours without the dog leaving his place at the door. However, as soon as he hears movement in the bedroom, he sticks his snout into the room to see if his mistress is finally awake.

The four-legged friend is her "first baby" and thus gets the love and attention that is otherwise not always available in everyday life with an infant.

"He's the best dog in the world, no exaggeration. He makes me feel incredibly lucky to have him," says the woman from East Midlands.

Her clip has already been viewed almost 76,000 timeson TikTok.