Mother's dream destroyed: Man secretly administers abortion pill

Norfolk (United Kingdom) - A man has been sentenced to twelve years in prison after mixing abortifacients into his pregnant wife's orange juice.

The British woman had been visiting fertility clinics for years in the hope of finally getting pregnant. (symbolic image)
The British woman had been visiting fertility clinics for years in the hope of finally getting pregnant. (symbolic image)  © 123RF/ngamsitara

As Mirror reports, 40-year-old Stuart Worby was sentenced to 12 years in prison this Saturday after secretly crumbling a prescription abortion tablet into his wife's drink in 2022, resulting in a miscarriage at 15 weeks' gestation.

The judge described him as "selfish" and declared that his act was premeditated and callous.

The woman, who desperately wanted to keep the child, suffered severe emotional and psychological damage as a result of the incident.

She explained that this child had been her only opportunity to realize her dream of motherhood. For years, she had visited fertility clinics in the hope of finally becoming pregnant.

The loss of the baby therefore hit her particularly hard, as the pregnancy was a true miracle for her and she had hardly believed she would become a mother at all.

In addition to the prison sentence, the judge issued a restraining order prohibiting Stuart Worby from having contact with his wife for an indefinite period. He must also pay her 10,000 pounds (approx. 12,000 euros) in damages.