Motorcyclist hit by stolen off-road vehicle: Three 14-year-olds in court!

New South Wales (Australia) - Tragedy on Tuesday: A motorcyclist (†46) died when he was hit by a stolen off-road vehicle. Three 14-year-olds are now on trial for the fatal accident.

Dan McNamara (†46) was fatally hit by a stolen off-road vehicle.
Dan McNamara (†46) was fatally hit by a stolen off-road vehicle.  © Facebook/Screenshot/Dan McNamara

As reported by the Daily Mail, Dan McNamara was on his way to the garage to get his motorcycle serviced.

But as he pulled out of the exit after refueling, the unthinkable happened: a car sped towards him at high speed, hit him and just kept on going.

The car had previously been pursued by New South Wales police, who immediately stopped to help the 46-year-old.

Despite the rapid rescue efforts, Dan died of his serious injuries at the scene of the accident.

Teenagers steal car and drive man to death

The occupants of the vehicle were arrested shortly after the accident. (symbolic image)
The occupants of the vehicle were arrested shortly after the accident. (symbolic image)  © 123RF/stockdeca

Hours earlier, his brother, Adam McNamara, had texted him "Have a good trip, brother" - not knowing that it would be his last trip.

Shortly after the accident, the occupants of the vehicle were arrested when they drove off the road in the stolen SUV and fled on foot.

The three 14-year-old boys now have to stand trial. They are alleged to have stolen the car and fled from the police - which ultimately led to the tragedy.

The trio will go on trial at the youth court on Wednesday.