New island has appeared off Italy! How did this happen?
Venice - There is great excitementin Italy! A narrow strip of land has risen from the sea just off the floating city of Venice.

As the Venetian newspaper Corriere del veneto reports, the new island, 260 meters long and ten meters wide, already has a name: Bacàn!
In an interview, environmental scientist Giovanni Cecconi explains how this miracle off the coast of Italy came about.
According to him, the new strip of sand is the result of the MOSE flood protection system, which is designed to literally protect the floating city of Venice from sinking.
The artificial flood protection barrier (MOSE) makes it possible to control the water level within the lagoon to a certain extent.
To this end, "sluice gates" have been erected at the connections between the lagoon and the sea, which can be raised as required in order to regulate changes in the water level such as high and low tide.

New island off Venice looks like the lagoon's punk hairstyle

This barrier is particularly controversial among Venetians. They fear that the currents within the lagoon will change, which could have serious consequences for the ecosystem.
In an interview with the Venetian newspaper, Cecconi responds to this criticism as follows: "They said that the MOSE would wipe out Bacàn, but thanks to MOSE, what used to be a sandbank, that is, a sand deposit with a very shallow seabed, is now an island."
Jokingly, he added that the new landmass with all the green tufts looks like the "punk ridge" of the lagoon.