Owner falls to the ground - and her cat just keeps walking

USA - The video of a cat owner who wants to test whether her pet is emotionless is going viral on TikTok and making many people smile.

When the cat sees her owner fall over, she flinches briefly.
When the cat sees her owner fall over, she flinches briefly.  © Screenshot/TikTok/alofgarden

Cats often have a reputation for being independent and indifferent. TikTok user @alofgarden decided to put this to the test with her orange kitty.

She set up a camera and then positioned herself in the middle of her living room. At the exact moment her cat scampered past her, she pretended to faint and fell to the floor.

As soon as she touched the floor, the four-legged friend froze and turned its head to see what had happened.

But when she realized that it was 'only' her owner, the orange-patterned one simply walked on without giving her a second glance.

Owner expected nothing less from her cat

But the user didn't take offense at her kitty's behavior and captioned the video: "This is no surprise."

Other users were also amused by the cat: "She almost showed interest, almost" or "She was just making sure her own safety wasn't in danger."

But even though many cats often display ice-cold behavior, they still have a soft side. For example, they express their affection by purring and blinking slowly.