"Pissed-off" resident allegedly threw urine at visitors to TikTok hotspot!

New York City (New York, USA) - All of a sudden it's raining down from above: A disgruntled New Yorker is facing a lawsuit after allegedly spilling urine on visitors to a TikTok hotspot in Manhattan!

The "Old Friend Photobooth" - a popular place on TikTok in the New York borough of Manhattan.
The "Old Friend Photobooth" - a popular place on TikTok in the New York borough of Manhattan.  © Bildmontage: Screenshot/TikTok/thelifeofgracee

According to theNew York Post, local resident Maggie T. declared "war" on the owners of the Old Friend Photobooth in the Lower East Side after they signed a lease for the booth next to her apartment building.

Since the booth reopened on December 9, 2024 (local time) at 145 Allen St., Maggie T. allegedly threw a bucket full of urine out of her second-floor window at a booth owner and customers standing in line. She is also said to have taped up the stall's locks and made "juicy" threats.

Maggie T. explained herself to the "New York Post". According to her, it was all just a ploy by the operators of the photo booth to get money before the TikTok sensation died out tomorrow Sunday (local time) anyway. According to her, the situation on site would be "uncontrollable", with hundreds of people sometimes queuing for the photo booth.

She denied that she had poured urine on people on site. However, according to the lawsuit, the incident surrounding the alleged urine bucket actually escalated on January 5 (local time) - paramedics and police officers who arrived had confirmed that the liquid she had spilled was urine.

Operators demand 500,000 US dollars in damages

A local resident is said to have been unable to cope with the hype surrounding the photo booth and defended herself with a bucket of urine. (symbolic photo)
A local resident is said to have been unable to cope with the hype surrounding the photo booth and defended herself with a bucket of urine. (symbolic photo)  © 123RF/janka3147

According to the report on the complaint, Maggie T. also allegedly smeared what looked like feces around plant boxes on January 11 (local time). She also denied this.

In addition to the claim by stand operators Zoë L. and Brandon M. for 500,000 US dollars (equivalent to just under 486,000 euros) in damages, a judge is said to have already granted the social media influencers a temporary injunction. This is intended to prevent Maggie T. from disrupting operations on site.

Visitors can have photos taken of themselves at the "Old Friend Photobooth". A strip of four pictures costs the equivalent of almost 8 euros. The spot is popular on TikTok, and there are heaps of clips of visitors on site online.

It remains to be seen what will become of the photo booth operators' demands. However, the hype surrounding the photo booth could die down if TikTok really does shut downits platform in the USA tomorrow, Sunday. At least Maggie T. would then have the peace and quiet she wants.