Platinum blonde, with bright red lips: This is why hundreds of Marilyns go swimming

By Naveena Kottoor

Adelaide (Australia) - Hundreds of people dressed as Hollywood icon Marilyn Monroe (1926-1962) have jumped into the sea near the Australian city of Adelaide to raise money for Australian Cancer Support.

Hundreds of Marilyn Monroe lookalikes took part in the charity event.
Hundreds of Marilyn Monroe lookalikes took part in the charity event.  © George Chan/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/dpa

A total of 765 people had registered for the event to swim around 400 meters around the Brighton pier in platinum blonde wigs, white swimsuits and red lipstick, as ABC Australia reported on Sunday.

The charity swim was launched in 2014 by Sarah Tinney after she lost her mother to cancer.

Marilyn Monroe lookalikes swim at the Brighton Jetty.
Marilyn Monroe lookalikes swim at the Brighton Jetty.  © George Chan/SOPA Images via ZUMA Press Wire/dpa

Since then, the annual event has raised 1.3 million dollars (around 780,000 euros), according to the website of the foundation set up by Tinney.