Police officers take a close look at Fiat and can't believe their eyes

Gelsenkirchen - The officers have probably never seen anything like it! Police officers in Gelsenkirchen have pulled a vehicle out of traffic that was in no way roadworthy and posed a real danger on the road.

The windshield was simply loose.
The windshield was simply loose.  © Polizei Gelsenkirchen

According to the police , the Fiat Scudo attracted attention on Bismarckstraße near Albenhausenstraße at around 1 p.m. on Wednesday because it violated numerous safety standards.

On the one hand, the windshield was not fastened, but only loosely attached, so that it was in danger of falling down.

The battery in the engine compartment was also loose. It was unsecured and would have slipped around if it had been shaken.

In addition, parts of the vehicle were so rusted through that a ballpoint pen could be pushed through, as a police photo shows.

The exhaust pipe had also only been patched up with a makeshift electrical cable and the side sliding door could not close properly. The Fiat also had problems with the lighting, which was largely non-functional.

The van driver (53) did not consider functional lighting to be necessary.
The van driver (53) did not consider functional lighting to be necessary.  © Polizei Gelsenkirchen
Parts of the rusted-through vehicle could be pierced with a ballpoint pen.
Parts of the rusted-through vehicle could be pierced with a ballpoint pen.  © Polizei Gelsenkirchen

The car was immobilized, the 53-year-old driver had to continue on foot and is now facing misdemeanour proceedings. The van also has to be disposed of. Either the man or the actual owner of the car will have to take care of this.