Pregnant woman wonders about constantly kicking baby: After the birth, she finally understands the reason

New York (USA) - What was wrong with him? When Ellen McBride from New York was 18 weeks pregnant with her son Myles, the little boy suddenly started kicking incessantly. McBride, who was a second-time mother, knew this couldn't be normal. She was therefore also monitored much more closely than usual at the clinic. But once her baby was born, the mother soon realized everything.

Baby Myles is full of zest for life. This earned his mother Ellen McBride many an additional examination.
Baby Myles is full of zest for life. This earned his mother Ellen McBride many an additional examination.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/mcbride_and_co

In a curious TikTok video last week, the New Yorker revealed what was really going on with her son - or still is. In the clip, little Myles lies on his back in several scenes, kicking his legs like crazy and pulling his arms up and down.

The realization: the perfectly healthy boy is simply extremely eager to move and really enjoys all the fidgeting. His mother is of course totally relieved. But she had to go through a lot before things became clear.

"I had appointments at two hospitals and he was moving around so much that they had to keep me in for longer so they could monitor me better. They weren't worried about the movements themselves, but Myles' heart rate was really high because he never stopped moving," the mother-of-two explained in an interview with Newsweek this week.

She added: "They waited until he finally calmed down or fell asleep to make sure his heart rate went back to normal."

Myles is now eight months old. But he still hardly allows himself any breaks from fidgeting. How does his mother cope with this?

Viral TikTok video reveals the baby's urge to move

Myles loves to pedal like crazy.
Myles loves to pedal like crazy.  © TikTok/Screenshot/mcbride_and_co

Surprisingly well, as she told the US magazine.

"He makes me laugh so much with his crazy wiggles and screams of joy. He usually only does these intense butterfly kicks when he's happy or excited, which happens a lot. He even does them when you're holding him."

McBride sees her son's zest for life and urge to move as a sign of a strong personality.

The TikTok audience is now also benefiting from this, having been infected by the good-humored clip. It has received 1.9 million clicks and a good 340,000 likes so far.