Puppy wants to cuddle with Golden Retriever: Then the net melts with pity

Canada - What heartbreaking pictures! As a Golden Retriever fan, you're not really used to something like this. After all, these dogs are considered to be particularly loving and sociable. But Daisy from Canada is the exception to this rule.

Maple wanted to be friends with Daisy from the start, but regularly sat alone after her advances.
Maple wanted to be friends with Daisy from the start, but regularly sat alone after her advances.  © Bildmontage: TikTok/Screenshots/daisythegoldiee

The drama can be seen in a viral TikTok video from this week. In the video, puppy girl Maple tries to make contact with her big sister Daisy.

But the older furry friend is not interested. She flees the room at the puppy's first attempt to approach her. No cuddling allowed! Saddened and with her head down, Maple looks after her role model.

"I had hoped that one day they would be best friends," writes the pups' owner in a comment next to the video. But according to the Canadian, it took two years for Daisy and Maple to finally get on really well!

"I was so sad and worried. I thought they would never get along," said the owner in another comment.

Luckily, there are other moments with the golden retrievers in the TikTok video.

Viral video shows heartbreaking start of the Golden Retriever

Maple didn't give up. But it was difficult for her to get a paw in the door with Daisy.
Maple didn't give up. But it was difficult for her to get a paw in the door with Daisy.  © TikTok/Screenshot/daisythegoldiee

While Maple has a particularly hard time as a puppy in the clip, she gets better after a few months. Daisy gives her more and more space. But the dogs don't really warm to each other at first.

But then, towards the end of the video, the golden retrievers even cuddle together. "It took a while, but she finally accepted it," says the owner with relief.

The cute video triggered mixed feelings among the TikTok audience. While many users feel sorry for the puppy when it is initially rejected, they are naturally happy about the happy ending.

The video has already collected more than 700,000 clicks in the first two days since its publication, plus around 100,000 likes.

These golden retrievers just know how to captivate their audience.